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"About Jaqi...
A much-needed rest
After spending most of my adult life on a nomadic spiritual journey, I have finally settled down in the rolling rural hillsides and busy citysides of Western Washington. Whether I am working on my agroforestry project south of Chehalis or sewing in my studio on 6th Ave in Tacoma, I am always thinking of new and creative ways to shine a light on the wonder of nature, the beauty within ourselves, and the increasingly important relationship between the two.
While my heart has taken me to work primarily on helping people restore their clothing and other textiles rather than buy new, I still find myself nonstop creating works of artistic expression in the form of pyrography, painting, and embroidery. These unique works can be found live at the craft fair I run on 6th Ave in Tacoma, WA or featured on my Instagram.
My work as a professional sewist and mender is backed by 15 years of experience hand-mending projects for the people I met on my nomadic journey across the country. Many people with ragged clothing, backpacks, and bedding found relief in my quick visible mending innovations. To my clients, I offer my beautiful visible mending techniques as well as my invisible mending and machine mending expertise, which I have been developing for 3 years. I am passionate about keeping clothing out of landfills, whether it comes from your closet or is tossed unworn by fast fashion manufacturers, and so you will always find my mending rates within your budget. Ask me about my sliding scale!
I especially love to create custom pieces to order, and can recreate any design you see here on this website into any other mold or base pieces seen. If you have a special request or a simple idea, please feel free to ask on the form below or on the custom orders page about pricing, estimated completion dates, or anything else prior to placing your order. Alternatively, you can also reach me at .
If you are interested in my publication services or audiobook production, you can also reach me through the contact form below or at my email address, above, in order to discuss any pertinent details prior to placing an order for my services.
All of my artwork is original and copyrighted to Somewhat Sacred Studios LLC